Sound masking: Maybe you’ve heard of it, think it isn’t for you, or have no idea what we’re talking about. Regardless, this innovative technology is quickly becoming a coveted business solution for various business needs, from silence to privacy, and companies all over Minnesota are popping up to fill this need.

Many companies are trying to market complicated sound masking devices whose workings are difficult for the layperson to understand. Even if you are interested in these devices and what they can do for your business, you might be deterred simply due to the complexity of the industry’s products.

At Aufderworld, as providers of sound masking systems and more, we feel it’s our duty to educate the public about speech privacy systems. How else will you know if such technologies are right for your business, whether it is a fledgling facility or a corporate giant?

Let’s talk all about sound masking to help you discover if it could be right for your business.

Sound Masking: The Basics

Sound masking is the quieting of distracting conversations via the projection of sound designed to mimic the frequencies of human speech. Sound masking is virtually undetectable. You’ll hardly notice the devices are there and working, but you will notice drastically quieter surroundings and increased sound-related privacy.

There’s a reason sound masking systems are often known as speech privacy systems!

Benefits of Sound Masking for Businesses

Quieting a workplace or other facility has many practical benefits that you’ll be able to experience instantly once our system is installed.

Increased Comfort of Your Occupants

We’ve all heard the expression, “It’s so loud I can’t even hear myself think!” Many businesses, from senior homes to office buildings, would never wish this on their clientele or employees.

Sound masking adds a neutral background noise that removes distracting sounds and creates better acoustical environments that reduce stress for employees, residents, visitors, and more.

Boosted Worker Efficency (While Still Being Inclusive)

Working in silence is just the thing some employees need to perform at their best. With too many distractions and too little privacy, both linked to space acoustics, these make it difficult for workers to focus. So, adding in a low-level ambient sound makes outside noise interferences easier to ignore.

Investing in a sound management system gives these workers the resources they need to achieve top-notch productivity. You also still provide room for those people who need background noise to function at full power—just have them bring headphones.

Protect Confidentiality

Many fields, from healthcare to government, encounter situations in which confidentiality must be protected. Especially with the ever-changing nature of office work, there will be a need to collaborate, and sound masking technology creates just enough background noise to drown out distractions and helps ensure that private conversations are not carried through the workplace.

Do your duty to preserve privacy in your business by investing in sound masking.

Industries That Need Sound Masking

While sound masking is not the same as soundproofing, its main job is to drown out exterior noises and conversations for a less distracting and private environment. Any scenario where confidential information is exchanged or total concentration needs to be upheld can benefit from the installation, and a few top industries that are ideal environments for the system include:

Educational Spaces

Areas like classrooms, study spaces, and libraries can all benefit from sound masking by helping students and faculty have a quieter space to study and stay focused.

Medical Clinics

Because of the nature of medical areas, discussing patients' health records increases the risk of violating HIPAA privacy laws. Sound masking will reduce the background noise and keep the conversation private away from other individuals in the space.

Corporate Facilities

Areas with open layouts or which produce excess noise during the day will benefit by having fewer exterior distractions and higher productivity levels.

Financial Sectors

Client information is a priority with financial companies, and sound masking can decrease the risk of negligent disclosure and liability.

Government Offices

Government offices contain some of the most sensitive information in the world that needs to stay protected, and the system can help keep them private.

Contact Aufderworld for Innovative Sound Masking Solutions

Since 1983, the Aufderworld experts have been specializing in audio/visual products for the most streamlined and advanced technology available in Minnesota.

We’d be happy to help your business with its sound management needs. While we’re at it, have us take a look at your audio-visual tech, too! Give our Minneapolis office a call now at 763-233-7700.