It's not an overstatement to say that the smartphone has revolutionized nearly every aspect of human life. From allowing us to connect with faraway loved ones at the push of a button to providing entertainment to fill those mindless day-to-day waiting periods, it's made quite a bit of things easier—including managing your audio-visual tech!

With the power of smartphones and convenience-boosting AV installation, running any business, from a hotel to a senior living facility, becomes as simple as snapping one's fingers.

Aufderworld, your Minneapolis audio visual consultants of choice, discusses below what this dynamic pairing can do for your business.

CCTV Systems Synergize With Smartphones

A CCTV system is, in abbreviated terms, a series of security cameras whose footage can only be viewed by your company (for more information on this tech, check out our blog about CCTV and how it can help your business).

While CCTV camera systems are useful on their own, they come with one big problem: their footage is usually only viewable from one location. For the on-the-go business owner who needs information wherever they are, this can be a huge hassle!

Enter smartphone connectivity. When you can view your CCTV systems through an app on your tablet or phone, you can see what's happening with your business anywhere.

Plus, this means that your security team won't need to be chained to their desks—they can patrol and monitor cameras simultaneously!

Media Rooms: Set the Mood in a Snap

If your facility is lucky enough to have a full media room, you no doubt know that you should capitalize on it—and smartphone integration allows you to do just that.

With the help of a control system installed in the wall, almost every aspect of the room's vibe can be changed simply with the tap of a smartphone screen. Lighting, temperature, audio… the list goes on and on! With managing a room simplified, your tenants or clients can enjoy a great cinematic experience, never needing to fuss with excessive switches or remotes.

Control Systems Offer Business-Wide Convenience

The same tech that simplifies your media room can also streamline your business. With a control system and a simple app, you can control lighting, temperature, audio, and more. No more running amuck just to set an ambiance—your smartphone can do it all for you.

Connecting Anytime & Anywhere Is a Breeze

Let's acknowledge the shift in work dynamics over the past few years. The rise of hybrid and remote work is undeniable. The traditional water cooler chats and in-person meetings have given way to the convenience of instant messaging applications like WhatsApp, Slack, and Zoom.

The beauty of these tools is that they can all be accessed from your mobile device, offering your team unparalleled flexibility, freedom, and the potential for increased productivity.

They Reduce the Risk of Data Breaches

One of the biggest worries of businesses is data breaches, and with an increase of 20% from 2020 to 2023, you need security in place to avoid mishaps that can cost you.

Having device management software will mandate or limit certain apps that go on company devices, and you can control the functions of the smartphones and choose who gets access to what information.

This gives you more control and higher levels of security, which all run from your handheld device. Plus, with GPS tracking, you know where your devices are located, which can be particularly helpful for employees who travel, keeping them and your business information safer.

Versatility Is at Your Fingertips

Versatility is king, and there's literally an app for everything now! You can find a developer to make a customized system that can facilitate processes to automate systems in your building, like hearing loop systems, digital signs, and main control systems.

The greatest part about it is it can all be done from your smartphone, letting you stay untethered from your desk and giving you amazing advantages and benefits.

Bring Your Business Into the Modern World With Aufderworld

Industry-leading AV technology combined with a helpful team and smartphone integration capabilities? You couldn’t ask for a better business-boosting plan!

Reach out online, or give Aufderworld's Minneapolis location a call today at 763-233-7700.